City Clerk’s Office
Laura Quick
City Clerk-Treasurer
- 845.858.4000
- 845.856.0322
- clerktreasurer@portjervisny.gov
Mission Statement of Department
The City Clerk-Treasurer advises and guides the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Port Jervis on the adoption of a financial plan to operate the City during its fiscal year, which is January 1st through December 31st. The adopted budget provides for the necessary services for a community of 8,860 in the areas of public safety, health, transportation, economic assistance, support services, culture, and recreation, and general administrative services.
Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., excluding holidays
The Office of the City Clerk-Treasurer is responsible for or provides the following:
- Accounting – Maintains all accounting records and systems for the City.
- Accounts Payable – Codes and pays all bills and invoices for purchases made by the City.
- Auditing – Completes internal auditing in preparation for certification of financial statements by an outside certified public accounting firm and coordinates compliance with all external audit requirements.
- Budget – Directs and monitors the City budget.
- Cash Management – Controls and manages all cash, investments, and borrowings.
- City Code – Maintain local laws and amendments to the City Code and Charter.
- Computer Coordination – Troubleshoots and maintains computers, networking, and software as necessary.
- Elections – Coordinates of all public elections conducted in the City and submits to Orange County and New York State information for all elected and appointed officials.
- FOIL Request Form– Processes all Freedom of Information Law requests. FOIL Request Law
- Grants – Controls and manages all grants received by the City, including claims administration and audit.
- Human Resources – Maintains and processes all personnel records and implements human resource policies, including hiring and terminations.
- Insurance – Coordinates all insurance policies on behalf of the City and Fire Department, including claims administration.
- Licensing– Issues Bingo and Games of Chance licenses.
- Licensing– Issues all marriages licenses in the City.
- Licensing– Issues taxi, taxi driver, street vendor, and use permits and licenses.
- Licensing– Issues and maintains all records of New York State dog licenses for animals in the City and coordinates with the Animal Control Officer and the Local Humane Society.
- Overnight Parking Passes – Overnight parking is allowed in designated city lots with a pass from December 1 to March 31 when all vehicles must be off the City Streets from the hours of 1 am-6 am to facilitate plowing. Pass can be obtained starting November 1st of each year.
- Meeting Minutes—Supervises and records all minutes of public meetings and ensures open meeting laws are followed.
- Notary Services – Provides licensed notaries in New York State for processing legal documents for the City and its citizens.
- Parking Tickets 2020 – Administer the collection of all parking tickets fines in coordination with City Court and a third-party agency.
- Payroll – Conduct all payroll activities of the City.
- Purchasing – Issues all orders for materials, goods, and equipment in conjunction with New York State approved purchasing policies and bidding procedures.
- Records Retention – Controls retention and storage of all City records.
- Tax Sale – Conduct annual Tax Sale of property due to delinquency.
- Taxes – Administers and collects taxes for the City, County, and School tax delinquencies.
- Vital Records – Processes and maintains all birth, marriage, and death records that occur within the City limits.
- Water/Sewer Billing – Produce billing for all water and sewer consumption, maintains accounts receivable system and collection of water rent accounts.
Number of Employees: 5
Hours Of Operation: | Mon - Fri: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm; excluding holidays |
Description: | The City Clerk-Treasurer advises and guides the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Port Jervis on the adoption of a financial plan to operate the City during its fiscal year, which is January 1st through December 31st. |
Contact Person: | Laura Quick |