Name: ADA Committee
Title: Council Liason
Contact Person: Regis Foster
Meetings: 4 meetings per month Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct - 1st Monday 6:30pm Council Chambers
Description: The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 is a federal law prohibiting discrimination against individuals with disabilities in employment, public accommodations and government services.
Name: Animal Control
Title: Animal Control Officer
Contact Person: Jeff Ewing
Description: The Animal Control Officer deals with all animal related incidents in the City of Port Jervis and works on-call.
Name: Assessor’s Office
Title: City Assessor
Contact Person: Teresa Spradling
Description: The primary responsibility of the Assessment Office is to maintain equitable assessments and authorize property tax exemptions.
Name: Building/Code Enforcement Office
Title: Building Official
Contact Person: David Rivera - Building Official
Description: The Port Jervis Building Department administers and enforces the New State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building codes, the Port Jervis City codes and Zoning Law and all reference standards that apply to the above, to ensure the safety, health, and welfare of the general public.
Name: City Clerk’s Office
Title: City Clerk-Treasurer
Contact Person: Laura Quick
Description: The City Clerk-Treasurer advises and guides the Mayor and Common Council of the City of Port Jervis on the adoption of a financial plan to operate the City during its fiscal year, which is January 1st through December 31st.
Name: City Court
Name: City Marshalls
Name: Civil Service Commission
Title: Adminstrator
Contact Person: Cheryl Biccum
Meetings: 2nd Tuesday of each month at 1:00pm - Youth Center Pike Street
Name: Code & Legislative
Title: Chairman
Contact Person: Tim Simmons
Meetings: 1st Wednesday of the Month at 6:00pm - Common Council Chambers
Name: Community Development Agency
Title: CDA Director
Contact Person: Valerie Maginsky
Meetings: 4th Wednesday of each month @ 7:00pm - 2nd Floor Youth Center on Pike Street
Description: The Port Jervis Community Development Agency is designated by the City of Port Jervis as the local administrator of federal, state and local funds.
Name: Kelly Decker
Title: Mayor
Description: Lifelong Port Jervis resident and graduated from the Port Jervis High School
Name: Finance & Insurance
Title: Chairman
Contact Person: Elizabeth Miller
Meetings: 3rd Wednesday of the Month 6:00pm - Common Council Room
Name: Fire & Emergency Management
Title: Keith Brown : Fire Chief
Meetings: 3rd Monday of each month @ 7:00pm - Common Council Chambers
Description: Fire Department and Ambulance Information.
Name: Fire Department
Title: Fire Chief
Contact Person: Keith Brown
Description: The Port Jervis Fire Department is dedicated to safeguarding the lives, property, and environment of our community through exceptional services in education, preparedness, prevention and prompt response to emergency incidents.
Name: Fire Inspector
Title: Fire Inspector
Contact Person: Robert Brady
Description: The Bureau of Fire Prevention (BFP) is responsible for enforcement of the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code.
Name: Housing Authority
Description: The Port Jervis Housing Authority administers a public housing program. The housing authority owns and manages 1 projects which contain 75 affordable rental units.
Name: Industrial Development Agency
Contact Person: Maria Mann
Meetings: 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:00pm - Common Council Chambers
Description: Industrial Development Agencies (IDAs) are public benefit corporations originally authorized by the Industrial Development Agency Act of 1969 (GMU §858) and governed by the provisions of Article 18-A of the General Municipal Law.
Name: Planning Board
Title: Tom Vicchiariello - Chairman
Contact Person: Michael J. Decker
Meetings: 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm - Common Council Chambers
Description: Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Port Jervis 7-27-1964as part of Ch. 20 of the 1964 Code of Ordinances (Ch. 36 of the 1981 Code).
Name: Plumbing & Electrical Board
Title: Chairman
Contact Person: Tim Simmons
Meetings: 1st Wednesday of the Month beginning at 5:30pm
Name: Public Works/Water Department (DPW)
Title: DPW Director Steven Duryea, Asst. DPW Director
Contact Person: Jack Farr
Description: The function of the Department of Public Works is to maintain and service the city's infrastructure systems.
Mission Statement of Department
Name: Recreation Commission
Title: Director of Recreation
Contact Person: John V. Faggione
Description: The Port Jervis Recreation Department's function is to provide the community with recreational and healthy activities for all age groups.
Name: Recreation Department
Title: Director of Recreation
Contact Person: John V. Faggione
Description: The Port Jervis Recreation Department's function is to provide the community with recreational and healthy activities for all age groups.
Name: Senior Services
Name: Stanley B Siegel
Title: Councilman-At-Large
Description: Councilman at Large
4th Ward Councilman
Name: Tourism Board
Title: Council Liason
Contact Person: Maria Mann
Meetings: 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:00pm - Common Council Chambers
Description: The Tourism Board coordinates three annual events: Citywide Yard Sale on the first Saturday in May, Fall Foliage Festival on the fourth Sunday in September, "Christkindlmarkt" German Christmas Market, Tree Lighting Ceremony downtown, and the Santa Express all on the last Sunday in November.
Name: Upper Delaware Scenic Byway Committee
Description: The Upper Delaware Scenic Byway is legislatively designated as a component of the New York State Scenic Byways System on Aug. 6, 2002 following a two-year, grassroots process to draft an Enhancement Concept Plan for New York State Route 97 in Orange, Sullivan, and Delaware Counties.
Name: White Water Park Committee
Description: The City of Port Jervis White Water Park would be a municipal park located in the Delaware River next to Riverside Park. It would be a series of features that create “whitewater” with pools, rapids, natural rock terracing, pathways, and informational kiosks on the banks of the river.