20 Hammond Street, Port Jervis, NY 12771 | 845.858.4000 | Business Hours: 9 a.m.-4 p.m.


Business Of The Month

Business of the Month
Business of The Month: March
Business Name: Business of the Month
City, State Zip: ,
Description: The City of Port Jervis began featuring a “Business of the Month.” Businesses are displayed on the City web page, in the downtown kiosk at Graeb Point, and a press release is sent to all local media outlets. The selected business will have the opportunity to submit a history, photos of the business, photos of products/ services offered, and basic information (address, phone number, etc.) In order to be considered for this the business must be located within the city limits of Port Jervis and fill out a“Business of the Month Information Form” available on the city web page under “Business of the Month” as well as in Mayor Decker’s Office at City Hall. All businesses submitted will have an opportunity to be displayed and will be chosen at random. New businesses will be displayed under the “New Business” column after submitting an information form. There is no charge for this program. For more information please contact Mayor Decker’s Office at (845)858-4017. Business of the Month Fill-able Form

Mayor’s Comments:

Mayor’s Comments