Beginning on August 19th, the City of Port Jervis is initiating a tree inventory throughout the city. Crews from the Davey Resource Group, the awarded consultant, will walk throughout the city wearing bright vests and carrying tablets and measuring devices to perform the two-week process. Armed with the data collected and in consultation with city staff, the firm will also develop a Community Forest Management Plan. The results of the inventory and the management plan will be presented at the September 23, 2019 Port Jervis Common Council meeting.
The two processes are financially supported by a $50,000 NYS DEC grant. Department of Environmental Conservation’s Urban and Community Forestry grant projects are made available through New York State’s Environmental Protection Fund, providing crucial assistance for communities to help develop and implement comprehensive projects to create healthy forests and enhance quality of life for residents.
After September’s presentation, the city will be armed with the data necessary to apply for planting grants which could pay for trees, special structural planting soil which encourages tree roots to travel downward and educational seminars about tree maintenance.
“Trees are one of the city’s most valuable and yet most underestimated assets,” said Mayor Decker. “This project will provide the city with a baseline for future projects. Urban canopies are disappearing, leaving buildings and residences exposed to the sun and weather and increased cooling costs in the summer. With the right selection, placement and minimal regular maintenance, trees can provide shade and natural habitat for 80 to 100 years.”
Valerie Maginsky, executive director of the Port Jervis Community Development Agency added, “We want the public to know that the crews are here to do a lot of work in a short period of time. If anyone has a question about the process or their credentials, please contact my office at 845-858-4024.”
P.O. BOX 1002
Beginning on August 19th, the City of Port Jervis is initiating a tree inventory throughout the city. Crews from the Davey Resource Group, the awarded consultant, will walk throughout the city wearing bright vests and carrying tablets and measuring devices to perform the two-week process. Armed with the data collected and in consultation with city staff, the firm will also develop a Community Forest Management Plan. The results of the inventory and the management plan will be presented at the September 23, 2019 Port Jervis Common Council meeting.
The two processes are financially supported by a $50,000 NYS DEC grant. Department of Environmental Conservation’s Urban and Community Forestry grant projects are made available through New York State’s Environmental Protection Fund, providing crucial assistance for communities to help develop and implement comprehensive projects to create healthy forests and enhance quality of life for residents.
After September’s presentation, the city will be armed with the data necessary to apply for planting grants which could pay for trees, special structural planting soil which encourages tree roots to travel downward and educational seminars about tree maintenance.
“Trees are one of the city’s most valuable and yet most underestimated assets,” said Mayor Decker. “This project will provide the city with a baseline for future projects. Urban canopies are disappearing, leaving buildings and residences exposed to the sun and weather and increased cooling costs in the summer. With the right selection, placement and minimal regular maintenance, trees can provide shade and natural habitat for 80 to 100 years.”
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