PORT JERVIS, NY – Stephen Crane’s (Red Badge of Courage) A Living Memorial will be presented on June 20, 2015 in Orange Square Park (Pike, Sussex and Broome Streets) Port Jervis, New York.
This event the first of its kind, that will bring back life to Port Jervis as if it were the late 1800’s where Civil War veterans gathered to converse about the war in Orange Square Park.
A young Stephen Crane, the son of the Methodist Minister, would later go on to write a book called “A Red Badge of Courage” that depicted the life of what a Civil War battle might be like. It is said that the young Crane may have absorbed the tales told by men who fought in the 124th Regimen, also known as the Orange Blossoms, and years later came back to interview them.
This one of kind event will bring the Civil War veteran actors to the park to exchange stories and provide a look at what life was like back then. The centerpiece is the city’s Civil War monument “said to be the tallest in Orange County” where 428 names where listed on the Port Jervis Honor Roll in which 45 were killed. Many there will be in period costume and Crane’s movie will play in the hall of a nearby church.
There will be historical displays, tours of the Civil War Burial Sites in the city and sulters and vendors row for those that become hungry or parched.
For Further Information one can email questions to the following: schillnyc@aol.com, pjtourismboard@gmail.com, or history@minisink.org
Sulter and Vendor Information call: Laura Meyer @ 845-856-1611.
2015 Apr 9
Stephen Crane’s (Red Badge of Courage) A Living Memorial flyer
… additionally
PORT JERVIS, NY – (April 27, 2015 Update) Stephen Cranes “The Red Badge of Courage-A Living Memorial”to be held on June 20th in Veterans Park (Orange Square) ,Presbyterian Church Marsh Hall and Drew Methodist Church from 10 AM until 6 PM.
Event includes the showing of the movie “The Red Badge of Courage”, Civil War re-enactors, Broome Street Fife and Drum Corps, continual Bus Tours to the Civil War burial sites at Laurel Grove Cemetery narrated by Peter Osborne. There will be historical displays by the Minisink Historial Society, Town of Deerpark Museum, Matamoras-Westfall Historical Society, Montague Association for the Restoration of Community History, Pike County Historical Society,and Gray Parker Funeral Home.
A display of authentic Civil War period clothing will be on display from the collection of Juanita Leisch Jensen.
Lectues on several topics are also scheduled including bio’s of Stephen Crane and also the train wreck that was carrying Confederate soldiers near Port Jervis.
Also planned to participate are sutlers to sell their wares, blacksmiths, horses, cannons and much more.
There will also be a “SELFIE” corner so you can dress in Civil War period hats and costumes and take your own photos.
This event is being brought to you by the Port Jervis Tourism Board and the Minisink Historical Society.
If you would like to participate or contribute at our event, you may contact Bill Schill at (845)856-6741.
It has been planned to have six horses in the park with two mounted units. One Confederate and One Union.